Saturday, 21 February 2009

Co dělají úředníci v pracovní době

Všude je to stejné. Při práci na projektu o mezinárodní spolupráci pro sledování písečných bouří ve východní Asii jsem se docela pobavil, když jsem v tiskové zprávě korejského ministerstva životního prostředí objevil části něčího (pravděpodobně nebohého úředníka - překladatele do angličtiny) životopisu:

The government also plans developing techniques aimed at countering the dust storms. The National Emergency Management Agency, affiliated with the Ministry of Science and Technology, has begun researching anti-yellow dust storm technologies.

“The agency recently categorized the dust storms as a natural disaster and presented a report on how to counter it,” a KMA official said.

First is first. In order to work effectively, it is important to learn a proper kill of using computer as well as MS word, Excel and most of all, typing in a proper manner. Furthermore my language skill plays a vital role in guiding me to get to my gold however, it is insufficient and I need to make it sufficient. As I said first is first. Therefore a constant and hard work is necessary in developing as well as mastering a language.

The agency would also focus on studying the negative consequences of the accumulated dust on buildings, precision machinery and cultural heritage.

There are several options at this point. It’s either NIER can get next task by getting hired somewhere good such as embassy, large corporation, internship program in English speaking environment or get the ticket to three of nativand.

Zřejmě si to po sobě ani nepřečetl(a), a tak omyl při operaci copy & paste zůstal neodhalen po více než dva roky.

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