Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Absurdity managementu premium značky

Starbucks zavádí nové snídaňové menu:

The challenge was coming up with breakfast combinations to please everyone.

The food development team spent a year creating two breakfast sandwiches for the pairings. Although the eggs and cheese are mixed in huge vats, poured into tins, baked, frozen and shipped to distribution centers to be assembled, they wanted them to look freshly made to appeal to people who do not like fast-food outlets.

At first, the manufacturer that supplies Starbucks with egg patties came up with perfectly round eggs from a mold. Starbucks rejected them, asking for a more free-form mold to look more like the shape of a freshly cracked egg, said Lani Lindsey Sordello, Starbucks’s director for food and bakery. Starbucks’s food scientists mixed parmesan cheese with the egg to prevent the smell from seeping into the stores and overwhelming the smell of coffee.

A ještě jedna lahůdka z NY times: telefonické vymáhání dluhů zesnulých po jejich příbuzných, kteří často nemají žádnou zákonnou povinnost je zaplatit, což je jim taktně zamlčeno. Polovina zaměstnanců firmy DCM odchází do 3 měsíců od začátku pracovního poměru.

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