Saturday, 12 March 2011

Nuclear dangers in Japan

Amazed that no media reports on Rokkasho spent fuel reprocessing plant, just 400km north of Fukushima and on the coast hit by tsunami. What was the impact there? There was a major controversy couple years ago about the safety of the plant, given the geologically unstable position that was picked for its construction.

Consider this quote:  "In June 2008, several scientists stated that the Rokkasho plant is sited directly above an active geological fault line that could produce a magnitude 8 earthquake. But Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited have stated that there was no reason to fear an earthquake of more than magnitude 6.5 at the site, and that the plant could withstand a 6.9 quake".

Wow, could withstand an 6.9!! How about an 8.9 quake plus a 6 meter tsunami? Lucky Japanese as it seems from a short web search that the plant has been plagued by so many various problems that it still isn't fully operational.

Read more here.

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